Patent investigations
eccora offers patent investigations to patent holders, patent attorneys and companies faced with infringement claims. Patent infringement litigation has substantially increased in the past decade, with both significant damages awarded to patent owners for competitor infringement, and defendants able to counterclaim based on prior art evidence. With the evidence behind you to bring a strong case, the costs associated with patent litigation are usually positive for the plaintiff, especially if the litigation gives the added bonus of market penetration or commercial advantage.
We act both for patent attorneys and for clients looking to secure evidence of infringement. Whether it be a product, process or system, we can assist in securing the evidence needed to litigate and pursue a number of commercially advantageous options: – claim monetary damages – secure royalties from technology licensing agreements – negotiate technology sharing agreements – increase market penetration.
Where a client is faced with litigation for patent infringement, we can obtain prior art evidence to help fight off allegations. We are typically instructed to obtain copies of literature that provides dated evidence of the promotion and marketing of products or processes by the patent owner before submitting a patent application.
We aim to work closely with our clients and provide a service that meets their needs.
Add eccora to your IP strategy – contact us to discuss your specific needs.