Company and business name profiling
We provide company and business name profiling for existing or newly formed companies and businesses to determine the nature of their activities, the reasoning behind the choice of name as well as their future intentions and aspirations. This service can be used when considering bringing a case for passing-off or infringement or to avoid conflict with a previously established entity.
1 – Research: We undertake a comprehensive analysis of research resources beyond standard Internet searches – news media, social networking sites, B2B resources and advertising databases. The research element provides an initial assessment of the activities of the company or business.
2 – Investigation: Discretely obtaining information regarding the activities or intended activities of the target without raising suspicion is where eccora’s true strengths lie. We are skilled investigators with the ability to uncover information the information that allows clients to make informed decisions on how best to proceed.
3 – Report: We analyse all the information obtained from our research and investigations and use this to compile a comprehensive report with a clear conclusion allowing for informed decisions to be made. Our reports are compiled electronically together with all supporting information.
Pricing & turnaround
Generally we aim to provide our company and business name profiling service on a fixed-fee basis and report within a 5-working day timescale. However, we offer a tailored service and understand the need for both flexibility and urgency, when required.
We aim to work closely with our clients and provide a service that meets their needs. We don’t believe that everything comes down to price; the true value is in the personal contact and the information received.
Please contact us to find out more.